
The award-winning Vermont Standard is Windsor County’s largest, and the state of Vermont’s oldest, weekly newspaper. It serves the towns of Woodstock, Barnard, Bridgewater, Hartland, Killington, Plymouth, Pomfret, Reading, Quechee, and West Windsor.

Founded in 1853, the paper was originally conceived as The Vermont Temperance Standard, an anti-alcohol publication. It ultimately transitioned into the paper of record for the Woodstock region, outperforming and outliving 13 other publications that existed during the latter half of the 19th century.

Today the Vermont Standard publishes robust print and digital editions, as well as print and digital specialty publications, that consist nearly entirely of locally-produced news, information, photography and advertising. It is widely regarded as one of New England’s best small-market weeklies – in fact, it has been named “Newspaper of the Year” by the New England Newspaper & Press Association several times recently.

Throughout its 165-year history, the Standard has published a paper each and every week. Not even the burning of the newspaper’s offices in 1867 (and again in 2018), a flood in 1973, which destroyed the entire pre-press and press operation, or even Tropical Storm Irene, which washed the newspaper’s building into the raging river in August 2011, could prevent the Standard from arriving on newsstands and in subscribers’ mailboxes. Beyond any awards or recognition, it’s that type of commitment to serving the residents of its communities, no matter what it takes, that truly distinguishes the Vermont Standard.

Reach the Standard

Call: 802-457-1313
Email: info@thevermontstandard.com
23 Elm Street
P.O. Box 88
Woodstock, VT 05091

Display Advertising

Display Ads (including ROP, Classified display ads, and digital advertising) Call 802-457-1313 or email an account executive for rates and information:

Jim Kelly: jkelly@thevermontstandard.com
Advertising materials should be sent to our production department: ads@thevermontstandard.com

Billing and payment issues
Contact Fred Johnson, Accounting Manager, fjohnson@thevermontstandard.com

Classified / legal Advertising

Classifieds – Business Directory – Obituaries
Call 802-457-1313 or email Rainier Nahabedian: Rnahabedian@thevermontstandard.com
Classified Line ad prices
1-25 words: $15.00 for the 1st week, $12.00 thereafter.
26-50 words: $20.00 for the 1st week, $15.00 thereafter.

50+ words: $20.00 + $0.25 for every word that exceeds the 50 word cap, total drops by $5.00 thereafter.

All classified line ads must be prepaid, they must run for a specified length of time, and there are no refunds.

Business Directory ad prices
Small: $15.00/week, Medium: $20.00/week, Large: $25.00/week

Staff List

President: Phillip Camp

Publisher: Dan Cotter
General Manager: Jon Estey

Presentation Editor: Lisa Wright

Accounting Manager: Fred Johnson

Advertising Account Executive: Jim Kelly

Circulation and Advertising Coordinator: Rainier Nahabedian 

Managing Editor: Tess Hunter 

Online Editor: Morgan Busby 

Senior Staff Writer: Tom Ayres 

Staff Writer: Lauren Dorsey 

Business Columnist: Mary Lee Camp

Regular Contributing Writers

Rick Russell

Dave Doubleday

Robert Shumskis

Kurt Staudter

Mike Donoghue

Vicki Ferentinos